Date Changes
- Preliminary work that was originally due Thursday the 17th now due Sunday the 27th at midnight
- We should strive to turn it in earlier to get feedback from Michelle
- Team Presentations to NPO still on the 29th
- We should be putting together our team presentation on the 27th
- Michelle has offered to give final feedback on the 28th via zoom
- Michelle would like a team debrief of this meeting on the 31st
Preliminary Work Assignment Information and Clarity
- This is essentially your pitch/bid to get your designs into the team style guide
- “If you don’t get picked then buck up”
- NPO’s may pull elements from multiple people’s preliminary presentations
- Should include a design brief and style guide that you yourself have developed
- She will provide a lot of student examples (because we couldn’t really see any before) tonight
Overall Assignment Information and Clarity
- After the first solo assignment (the preliminary work)is turned in, everything will be graded as a group
- This means that only one of us will need to turn each thing in
- We need to communicate who turns something in so it is at least turned in
- There will be reflections and peer evaluations at the end
- She used an example of a student only doing a brochure for the whole assignment and said it made her upset
- Let’s make sure everyone has something substantial to work on
- Michelle wants much better class attendance and will likely start grading it
- Members need to be present via zoom (probably through us, not a big class one) if they can’t make it so they can do attendance assignments)
- She added a team blog assignment
- Essentially will serve as a place for us to record our dates, notes, and overall progress
- Will be shared with both her and our NPO (which is her) so they can see how we’re moving along
- She added a large poster assignment due May 12th
- Will be printed and placed in the downstairs gallery